Making a complaint is simple and easy. You can make a complaint in person, by telephone, letter or email. Our contact details are:
Phone: (07) 3009 7650
Write to:
Channel Investment Management Limited
GPO Box 206
Level 19, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000
Depending on the nature of the complaint, to ensure we fully address all issues of concern to you, we may ask you to make your complaint in writing. We will provide assistance to you if necessary.
What should I include in my complaint?
When lodging your complaint, you should include:
- Your name, contact details and investor number;
- Details of your complaint with sufficient information to allow us to fully consider and assess it; and
- Details of prior contact with us in relation to the complaint, such as who you had contact with and when.
What are my rights when making a complaint?
You have the right to:
- Easily lodge a complaint and where required, seek assistance to lodge it, at no charge;
- Have your complaint dealt with in a fair, efficient and courteous manner;
- Have your information treated in confidence, other than what is required to resolve your complaint and to meet regulatory requirements;
- Seek your own legal advice;
- Be informed of the criteria and processes for how your complaint will be dealt with;
- Know that this Complaints Handling Charter has been followed;
- Be kept informed of progress of your complaint and advised of the reasons for our response; and
- Provide directly relevant material in support of your complaint.
How will my complaint be handled?
Upon receipt of your complaint:
- We will record the details, give it fair and genuine consideration and seek to achieve a fair outcome;
- We will enquire into your complaint and consult with the relevant staff and agencies as necessary within a reasonable timeframe, having regard to the nature and complexity of the complaint;
- We will keep you informed of the progress and seek to resolve the complaint;
- If appropriate we will recommend changes to remedy the situation to prevent the situation recurring and we will inform you of the decision made and reasons for the decision;
- If you are dissatisfied with the decision, we may reconsider the decision and inform you of how the decision may be reviewed;
- If you are still dissatisfied with the decision or we have not made a decision within 30 days, you may take your complaint to the relevant external dispute resolution scheme (i.e. AFCA). The contact details for AFCA are set out below;
- We will treat your complaint with respect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy; and
- We will seek to keep the one person handling your complaint, as far as possible.
What do we want to achieve?
Our objectives in handling complaints are to:
- Provide a complaints service which is simple, visible and efficient;
- Address complaints in a consistent, systematic, prompt and fair manner, to the satisfaction of both parties;
- Identify trends in complaints and improvements to the products and services we offer; and
- Improve the complaints handling processes as a result of your feedback.
Feedback about our complaints service
You may be able to provide us with helpful feedback or suggestions about our complaints service so that we can continue to improve the level of service to our investors.
How do I contact AFCA?
If you are dissatisfied with our decision regarding your complaint or we have not made a decision within 30 days, you may take your complaint to the relevant external dispute resolution scheme.
The contact details for Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) are:
Fax: (03) 9613 6399
Free Call: 1800 931 678
Website: (complaints can be lodged online)
Please note that AFCA can independently assist you to make and resolve complaints however AFCA suggest and encourage that you first approach us with your complaint.