Partner Services

Mastering complexity in an ever-changing landscape

Partner Services

Responsible Entity / Trustee Services

Channel Investment Management Limited ACN 163 234 240 AFSL 439007 (CIML) − a subsidiary entity of Channel Capital, is able to provide certain responsible entity or trustee services for select partners. We are licensed under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to act as responsible entity for registered schemes investing in derivatives and financial assets and as trustee for unregistered schemes.

CIML is the responsible entity / trustee of numerous managed investment schemes holding assets including Australian and global fixed income, Australian and global equities, global emerging market equities, Australian and New Zealand private debt, global private equity, Australian and global unlisted and listed infrastructure, Australian and global listed real estate securities, socially responsible investments and other diversified and alternative strategy assets.

Investment Operations and Compliance

Operations and compliance environments come in multiple forms.  They depend on many factors including regulatory considerations, complexity of the asset class, the disposition of the investment or wealth manager, the structure of the business and the profile of the clients. Determining the correct operating model is part science part art, requiring a high degree of specialist skill and experience.

We provide a comprehensive operations environment encompassing back and middle office, compliance and risk management, fund administration and custody, financial reporting and audit, technology, performance analytics and client reporting. We are continuously investing in information technology and business solutions to create efficiencies and enhance the investment process of our partners.

Our compliance and operational environment is regularly tested by auditors, institutional clients and consultants via internal controls (GS007) audits and operational due diligence (ODD) reviews.

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